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Second Anniversary and Icons Giveaway

Post update:

As of right now, DryIcons' 2nd Anniversary Giveaway is over! The comments will be temporary disables and the winners will be announced at our Blog tomorrow!
All winners will be notified by email.

Dear friends of DryIcons,

We are very happy to share with you that DryIcons has turned 2 years! This joyous occasion is to be celebrated with some cake, so please have some.

The second year of DryIcons' existence will be remembered by the ambitious Website Redesign at the beginning of the year, the ultimate success of the Coquette Icon Series and our constant Custom Icons Work. But most of all, we will remember this year in the way we have grown emotionally. Although all members of DryIcons had plenty of experience way before the DryIcons Project, we feel this year marked the way we experience our work. We are on a mission to improve the quality of our work vector graphics and icons, keeping in touch with user's ideas, criticism and numerous suggestions and emails, and keeping our business clients happy and content. We're trying (and succeeding) to do all that in a stress free environment.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our good Users for their attention, good vibes and criticism, all DryIcons' Business Partners for trusting us with their valued projects, our loving Families for their unconditional love and support.

God Bless!

Giveaway presents

P.S. I almost forgot... We have some presents to give. I'm talking about 2 (or maybe 3) Extended Licenses for the Complete Coquette Series! Two (or three) commentators will be their new owners. Tell us why You and not someone else should be the new owner of the Extended License, if you're honest (creative, convincing) enough, you'll surely get it!

Best of luck!

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